▕Kanopy▕ It Chapter Two Movie

release Year 2019

rating 173235 Vote

Country Canada

actor Isaiah Mustafa

duration 2Hour 49 min

Directed by Andy Muschietti

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It chapter two movie screencaps. Another load of crap basically. The previous, updated It (one) was full of awful child actors who had no idea how to act. This sequel is full of overacting (except Jessica Chastain, of course) whose lines were so childish and. simple. or even cartoon-like script. This is no movie! This is some dirt that someone has scraped off the pavement (Gary Dauberman is the guilty party here) and served to a gullible public.
I tried to like this film (after trying to watch it twice) but each time I just switched off and thought, Nah, this is just rubbish. Even though Stephen King is vastly overrated, I thought maybe a Setphen King sequel not written by him might be good. but nah. this is bad, really bad. Not even a B class TV movie, nor C, nor D. you know what I mean.

Although the original novel is one of King's most celebrated and iconic, it really isn't anywhere near his best work. Featuring some of the authors most cornball horror elements and a baggy, unfocused narrative that strays into juvenile sci-fi at times, for me It is one of King's weaker novels overall.
So it's a shame that, with this sequel, the director has failed to marshall the more interesting elements of the source into an effective film. It is overlong, tonally jarring and many of the repetitive scares are like something from a kids TV show - I'm really surprised more hasn't been written about that.
I can't deny the calibre of the cast - these are all good actors - but they never play to their strengths, with the exception of James Ransone and Bill Hader, and the adult ensemble fail to gel in the way their young counterparts did in the first film. Between some toe-curling overacting from James McAvoy and Jay Ryan's total charisma vacuum, there isn't much to write home about. There are also big problems with the script and it is ultimately way too long, unfocussed and grossly sentimental.
There are some nice elements here and there and I get that Muschietti harbours a great love for the material but this really is an unexceptional film. I find the gushing, positive reviews completely confounding. 5.5/10.

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3.9/ 5stars

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